Update for Menaco GEN5 Mobis V126.211019

We are pleased to inform you that update of GEN5 Customware v.3.3.1 has been released for Mobis multimedia devices (Kia, Hyundai). The 3.3.1 update includes a number of new settings for users, as well as a number of improvements and fixes to the customware.

Please find below a list of changes in Mobis GEN5 version 3.3.1 in relation to the previous version 3.1.9.


  • Supports the original firmware Mobis V126.211019.

Sound Settings

Third-party applications output audio through the navigation channel. New settings have been added:

  • Audio guidance for navigation can be activated during a phone call.
  • Navigation audio prompts may partially mute the sound of media (radio, music) or not. Supported navigation programs: Yandex Navigator, Navitel, Strelka, MapCam, HUD Speed ​​
  • Added volume control for navigation sound during navigation audio guidance (may not work on some firmwares).
  • Returned navigation sound control on firmware V120 and higher. Go to Custom Settings / Special Settings / Audio Settings and check how these checkboxes work.

Radio Performance

Radio performance was fixed:

  • Spontaneous radio switching with poor reception is fixed.
  • Radio icons for firmware V120 and higher.

Yandex Night Mode

A night mode is added for Yandex.

This mode can be used when entering a tunnel or at night. Go to Custom Settings / Special Settings, put a tick in the Night Mode box and check how Night Mode works.

General Improvements

  • The MENU button in Android can be assigned to a key on the multimedia device.
  • Murglar app support.
  • GlazTV – Fixed video distortion in Korean firmware.
  • Loading media files from a USB flash drive has been accelerated (custom should be loaded from a USB or a completely updated firmware is needed).
  • Improvements to the speed and stability of customware.

How To Update Gen5 Customware V.3.3.1 Mobis

There are two options for updating the GEN5 v.3.3.1 customware:

  1. Update the GEN5 customware in full (full upgrade).

This option updates the stock firmware to version V126.211019, as well as the GEN5 customware to version 3.3.1 (with new custom functions).

  1. Update the GEN5 custom shell only (partial update).

This option is suitable for those users who do not want to install the stock firmware V126 and prefer to prolong using V112 or V120, for example. In this case you can only update the GEN5 custom shell to version 3.3.1 (with new custom functions).

1. Updating the GEN5 customware

This option updates the stock firmware to version V126.211019, as well as the GEN5 customware to version 3.3.1 (with new custom functions).

  • Mobis with SD card and navigation (devices of European or Russian assembly with firmware of xx.EUR(RUS).SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.STD_M and xx.RUS.SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.STD_H).

Update Instructions:

      1. Download the GEN5 Installation Instructions, Menaco Customware, Menaco SD Custom. Links were sent to you earlier by e-mail (after order payment), or download these files on our website from “My Account”).
      2. Install the GEN5 customware according to the GEN5 Installation Instructions from the beginning.


– Downloading files in the cloud must be dated 31.12.2021 (after opening the link, clear the browser cache: CTRL+F5).
– You do not need to generate a GEN5 license key. You already have it. After unpacking all archives to the SD card, copy the key to the __CUSTOM__ folder.
– Who already has stock firmware installed V126.211019 – you should to install it again, starting from the first paragraph of the Installation Instructions, except for obtaining a license key. It is written about a key above.

  • Mobis without SD card and built-in navigation (devices of European or Russian assembly with firmware of xx.EUR.SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.DAU_A and xx.RUS.SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.DAU_A).

Update Instructions:

      1. Download the Unpack to USB 2.exe archive file from the link (the link Menaco USB Custom was sent to you earlier by e-mail (after order payment), or download this file on our website from “My Account”).
      2. Run the archive file on your computer and specify your USB stick as the unpacking location, confirm to replace the files.
      3. Insert the USB stick into the multimedia device and reboot the device with the Reset button.
      4. After the device is booted, the inscription “The shell is reinstalled” will appear in the lower right corner.


– Downloading files in the cloud must be dated 01.01.2022 (after opening the link, clear the browser cache: CTRL+F5).

2. Updating the GEN5 custom shell

This option is suitable for those users who do not want to install the stock firmware V126 and prefer to prolong using V112 or V120, for example. In this case you can only update the GEN5 custom shell to version 3.3.1 (with new custom functions).

  • Mobis with SD card and navigation (devices of European or Russian assembly with firmware of xx.EUR(RUS).SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.STD_M and xx.RUS.SOP.Vxxx.xxxxxx.STD_H).

Update Instructions:

      1. Download the Unpack to SD card.exe file from the link (the link Menaco SD Custom was sent to you earlier by e-mail (after order payment), or download this file on our website from “My Account”).
      2. Run the archive file on your computer and specify your SD card as the unpacking location, confirm to replace the files.
      3. Insert the SD card into the multimedia device and reboot the device with the Reset button.
      4. After the device is booted, the inscription “The shell is reinstalled” will appear in the lower right corner.


– Downloading files in the cloud must be dated 31.12.2021 (after opening the link, clear the browser cache: CTRL+F5).
