Compatibility Search Form

The Search Form below will help you check the compatibility of your 5th generation multimedia device GEN 5.0 for Kia or Hyundai (starting from 2016) with GEN5 Customware.

1. Please type your multimedia Software Version in the form below (the Software Version is shown in the line “SW Version” or “S/W Ver.” or “System S/W” of your multimedia device), for example: UM_19MY.EUR.SOP.003.20.180418.STD_M

  • Please type character by character in sequence.
  • The list of possible options may appear after entering at least 6 characters.
  • If you see an asterisk * (for example QL_PE.EUR.SOP.*), it means that any further value applies (your radio is compatible regardless of any further characters).

2. After clicking the Submit button, the search result appeares for your radio in the compatible list.

  • If compatible, your product will be available under the Search Form. Please select it and you will be prompted to the relevant page in the e-shop.
  • If not compatible, please send us a request filling out the Compatibility Check Form and we will process your request manually.

3. Please fill in the Software Version carefully, observing the following simple rules:

  1. Enter the SW Version carefully, one character at a time, do not paste the entire number at once
  2. Latin capital letters
  3. Observe the dots “.” if applicable
  4. Observe the underscores “_” if applicable
  5. No spaces

